

4 days, 25 – 28 October,  239 €/person.

It may no longer be the capital of Greece since 1834, but it has certainly not lost its glamour. Nafplio is a favorite destination for almost all of Greece. Justifiably so, as it offers historic routes, the sea, thoughtful accommodation, high quality dining and entertainment.


Day 1: Thessaloniki – Mycenae – Nafplio – Tolo

Departure from Thessaloniki early in the morning. Passing through Tempe, Larissa, Lamia, Lamia, Thebes, Corinth Canal, and with making the necessary stops for coffee and food, we arrive in Mycenae. The “Golden Mycenae” is one of the most famous kingdoms of ancient times. It was the kingdom of the famous Agamemnon, commander-in-chief of the Trojan campaign, and one of the largest city-states of the Peloponnese. The Mycenaean walls consisted of huge boulders that protected the city from any attack and are a model of architecture, even to this day. The excavations have brought to the surface many finds, mainly gold (a representative example is the “Mask of Agamemnon”), which are housed in the museum of the archaeological site and in the Archaeological Museum of Athens. We will see the imposing Lion Gate and the vaulted tombs of the Atreides. We will continue our route to the area of Nafplion and end up in the picturesque Tolo, in order to check-in at our hotel.

Day 2: Hydra – Spetses

We will have breakfast, and begin for an optional daily excursion to the two beautiful islands of the Saronic Gulf. Our first stop is the cosmopolitan Hydra, the island with its vast maritime tradition and perfectly preserved architecture. We will visit the mansions of Tombazis, Kountouriotis, Miaoulis and the Metropolis (17th century), with its marble bell tower. Free time to walk around the narrow streets of the Chora. Our next stop is another important naval power during the War of Independence of 1821, Spetses. We will visit the house-museum of Bouboulina, the first governor of the island Hatzigiannis Mexis, and the post-Byzantine Church of Saint Nicholas. You can, if you wish, take a ride around the beautiful island in a painted carriage. We return to our hotel.

Day 3: Nafplio – City tour

Breakfast and departure for a tour of the beautiful first capital of Greece, after the liberation. We will visit the Church of Saint Spyridon, in front of which Kapodistrias was assassinated, his house, the Monument of the Bavarians, Kolokotronis and the French philhellenes. From there we depart for Palamidi, the imposing fortress that rises 216 meters above the city of Nafplio, and which can be visited by driving up from the east side. The more daring and romantic ones reach the top, by taking the 999 steps. It was built in the period 1687-1715 by the Venetians, after they occupied the hill on which it stands, following a fierce battle with the Ottomans during the Venetian-Turkish War. The purpose was to be the main defensive support of Nafplio, which was the capital of the Peloponnese. At that time, it was considered a monument of fortification technique and consists of 8 bastions surrounded by walls. Although it was considered impregnable, it was relatively easily captured by the Turks in 1715 during the last Venetian-Turkish War. One of the bastions of the fortress, the so-called “Miltiades”, which was used as a prison for the hero of the Revolution, Th. Kolokotronis was named Arvanitia. In the fortress there is also the historic Chapel of Apostle Andrew, built during the Venetian era. You can then take a boat from the port of Nafplion to take a tour of Bourtzi, (island – fortress in Turkish-Arabic), an integral part of the city’s fortification for many centuries, or alternatively you can take a walk around Akronafplia (also known by its Turkish name, Itz Kale = inner castle). At noon we return to the hotel, and in the afternoon we will have time to stroll along the picturesque beach of touristic Tolo.

Day 4: Asini – Epidaurus – Loutraki – Return.

After having our breakfast, we depart for the area of Asini, the “traditional village” as its inhabitants like to call it, built at the foot of a high mountain on top of which is the chapel of Prophet Elias. We can also admire the Ancient Acropolis, the Mycenaean tombs in the Necropolis of Barbouna and various other churches. We will continue our route to Epidaurus, a historic city at the foot of the mountains of Arachnaio, Koryphaeon and Tithion. We will visit the Ancient Theatre and the archaeological museum, and continue to Loutraki. After a stop for rest, coffee and a walk on the beach we will take the road back to our town.

What is included:

  • Accommodation in a hotel of your choice.
  • Half Board Meals according to the price list.
  • Tours according to the programme.
  • Insurance.

Not included:

  • Entrance fees to museums & theatres, and anything optional or suggested.
  • Municipal residence taxes.